Lets Get to Know You

Name: Al

Nickname: Big Al. And getting a few pounds bigger each year!

Age: 41

Height: 5'10''

Marital Status: Very happily marred! My wife Pam is great!

Luxury Item For Camping: A change of underwear

Occupation: Printer

Hobbies: Camping, hiking, backpacking, caving, rock climbing, canoeing, woodworking, and coaching my kids' soccer teams.

What do you do in your free time?: What free time? With two kids, a wife, a dog, a house a full time job, coaching, Adventure Studies, and all the rest of what comes with growing up there's not much time left. But when I can, I go down to my woodworking shop. Then the whole world just slows down and fades away.

Where were you born?: Evanston, Illinois. Grew up in Wood Dale and went to Fenton High School in Bensenville.

Next year are you a) going to college and if so where, b) becoming a bum, c) staying at WVHS, or d) jack?: None of the above. But you can bet I'll be back for another year of Adventure Studies.


What is your Biggest Fear?: Anything bad concerning my wife, Pam, or my kids, Rachel & Jake. They mean everything to me.

Are you Al or Donald man: Oh puleeze! Al is so much cooler than Don. Besides, Don even said when he grows up he wants to be like Al. Kind of scary, huh?

Person(s) who have changed you the most during class: Each year I learn something special about every student. You guys amaze me. I brag about you almost as much as I do about my own kids.

Will you still be backpacking a) never again, b) for a while, c) for the rest of your life: C, BIG C! I hope to enjoy the outdoors till I'm a very old man. No smart assed comments now.

What is the best moment from Adventure Studies?: Wow, that's though because there have been so many. But if I had to pick, I'd say it's each time a student says "I can't," then keeps trying and succeeds.

What do you want to do when you grow up?: I'm already grown up. I'm just trying not to grow old. You guys keep me on my toes, that's for sure!

What one thing would you tell next year's class?: Don't pay too much attention to previous classes. Each and every one of you will have a unique experience in this class. And don't believe everything you hear about Al. Remember, what happens on the trail, stays on the trail.


Food: My wife makes this great meal of boneless chicken breast, broiled with herbs and spices, covered with stuffing, and topped with melted cheese.

Camp Food: If it's family camping anything goes since we bring a Coleman stove and all the pots & pans. For backpacking, nothing beats freeze dried chicken and rice. Yum, yum.

Trail Mix: Take a one pound bad of M&M's and a one pound bag of Reeses Pieces. Pour each into a large ziplock bag and mix. Viola, perfect trail mix!

Trip: Kenya and Tanzania in Africa, absolutely. All the other countries I've been to, including when I lived in England, pale in comparison.

Animal: Besides my dog BJ? Probably an elephant. I'm sure you guys will have some fun with that one.

Music: Country & Western to get me fired up. Classical when I want to relax.

Band and Why?: No band, just one performer: Willie Nelson. His music is so pure and uncomplicated. He's the reason I pierced my ear back in 1979. Willie had an earring, and I wanted to be like him.

Movie: Casablanca. The original black and white version please. They ruined it when they tried to make a colored version of it. Also The Blues Brothers and Field Of Dreams. Now that I think of it, any movie on the Disney Channel that I'm watching with my kids.

Thing about WVHS: Without a doubt, the students in Adventure Studies!!! Followed closely by Mr. Pankuch.

Celebrity: Guess I'm not real into the whole celebrity thing. I do think Morgan Freeman and Jack Nicholson are great actors.

Quote: A couple of them: "Not all those who wander are lost."

"In the end we will conserve only that which we love. We will love only that which we know. We will know only that which we have been taught."

Stupidity moment: Holy Cow, where would I start?! After 41 years, I've got a whole lot to choose from. We'll talk more about this on the trail.

Compare and Contrast

If anyone celebrity was your twin, who would it be?: Any rugged, handsome, outdoor, he-man type guy....Hey, why are you laughing? (But to us, he will always be Al.)

If anyone celebrity was your archenemy who would be?: That's a pretty strong question. Think I'll leave that one alone.

Who/What do you act like?: I try to act like a responsible adult, but it usually doesn't work that way. Pretty much what you see is what you get.

Who/What don't you act like?: Those primping, preening, self-absorbed show offs. I really dislike phony people.

What were you like before Adventure Studies and have you changed at all by taking this class?: I was shy, quiet, withdrawn, and hardly ever talked. Whaaaat? You're laughing again.

What is/are your strength(s)?: Leadership, compassion, organized, good listener.

What is/are your weakness(es)?: A little too impulsive. Maybe too quick to judge others., But when I'm wrong, I'll certainly admit it.

You Say it, We Spray It

Each year I say the same thing about my good friend Don. You can check out the last couple Adventure Studies websites to read it all. But each year we become better and better friends.

Without love and support my wife Pam gives me, there's no way I could teach Adventure Studies. When I'm gone from home it's though on her to hold down the fort so to speak. Thank you Honey, I LOVE YOU!!

My kids Rachel and Jake are so special to me. I'm not sure what I'm doing sometimes, but I must be doing something right because they are great kids. I love you Tinker and Sweet Pea!! Just keep looking at the moon when I'm gone and you'll know I'm thinking of you.

And the Adventure Studies students. What can I say about you? Bright, fresh, amazing, honest, open. That barely scratches the surface. You have the world by the tail right now and probably don't even know it. Take it! Seize it! Live life to it's fullest and NEVER say to yourself "I can't."

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