Lets Get to Know You Name: Ben Nickname: Monkey, Cheetah, and Goldilocks Age: 17 Height: 5'11'' Marital Status: Single Luxury Item For Camping: A pair or tennis shoes for after a long day of stream crossings. And a lot of socks, matches, and knives are nice too! Occupation: Lawn Mower Hobbies: Going to concerts, Web Page design, Playing music (with the band and by myself), listening to music, chillin with the friends, being outside, camping, backpacking, and trying to live life to the fullest. What do you do in your free time?: Playing music on drums and guitar, listening to music, going to concerts, hanging out with friends, band practices, and so much more Where were you born?: Hinsdale Next year are you a) going to college and if so where, b) becoming a bum, c) staying at WVHS, or d) jack?: C because I'm old enough to graduate, but I don't want to leave yet (AP Adventure Studies for next year, right Mr. P) |
Questions What is your Biggest Fear?: My biggest fears are that I will make a mistake that hurts the group or of course death is a big one too. But I would have to say that my largest one is wasting my life away. You have to enjoy every min of it! Are you Al or Donald man: A little from column A and a little from column B, but I must say most likely a little more Donald, although Al does have the best stories! Person(s)
who have changed you the most during class: I have to say
that everyone in the class has changed me, but a few
people stick out as making larger changes on me. Will you still be backpacking a) never again, b) for a while, c) for the rest of your life?: C because backpacking rules. It is one of the most fun things you can do in life! What is the best moment from Adventure Studies: I have say to swimming in the lake at Shawnee was pretty cool, or in the mud pits for that matter too. I think I have to say the best though, is when we were all just hanging out around the fire at either playing a game, laughing with each other, or getting to know each other. Oh and one other great moment and is when Steph and Jamie heard the coyotes at night at KMS or when Sam freaked out about the Radioactive Raccoons. What do you want to do when you grow up?: Not sure on that one yet, but maybe do something with science (physics and astronomy) or teaching, or being a famous punk/ska band wouldn't be too shabby either! What one thing would you tell next year's class?: YOU'RE GOING TO HAVE FUN Adventure Studies is the best class ever and enjoy Al's jokes (Ask him about Old Lady Scratch). Mr. P is also a great teacher too, and is a ton of fun! |
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Favorites Food: A burger with a nice Caesar salad Camp Food: It's too hard, I just love to cook too much. It was all good! Trail Mix: Pretzels, M&M's, and raisins Trip: Shawnee was fun, but I think KMS was my all time favorite Animal: A monkey or a dinosaur (Godzilla) Music: Punk, Ska, Rock, Alternative, and Jazz, Funk, Classics, and so much more (No Rap or Country though) Band and Why?: This is hard, but I got to say that at the moment it is Less Than Jake, because they make some of the best punk/ska music and it kicks butt. Plus their new cd is out and I just got their 45's in the cereal box! Movie: Donnie Darko Thing about WVHS: Adventure Studies, Mr. P, and Mr. Rossiano Celebrity: This is a no brainier....Godzilla Quote:
"If the sky were to suddenly open up, there would be
no law, there would be no rule. There would only be you
and your memories." - Donnie Darko Stupidity moment: Well whenever I screwed up in moa, I had a pretty stupid dance. But I think my favorite, was at Shawnee I was about to say, "Be careful here, the trail is slick and you don't want to slip and fall" And right before I said that I slid down a hill on just one of my heels. So I kept my mouth shoot after that one. |
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Compare and Contrast If anyone celebrity was your twin, who would it be?: I have heard John Lennon with the long hair, but when it is buzzed, there is no question about it, I'm totally Drew Carey If anyone celebrity was your archenemy who would be?: The most evil celebrity ever is who I would have to be my archenemy...and that has to be Bert from Sesame Street Who/What do you act like?: A monkey Who/What don't you act like?: A relaxed and calm person! What were you like before Adventure Studies and have you changed at all by taking this class?: Before the class, I was very careful about when I was a leader and not. I only wanted to be a leader, when I knew that there was a 100% chance to be successful or I had a safety net (such as another person to use as back-up). I learned thru Adventure Studies though, that a true leader will make mistakes, and that is all right. Making mistakes is fine, just don't try to do them and learn from them. It is also good to work with other people as a leader too. You don't have to just work by yourself, you can work with the whole group to come to make a decision. Also this class showed me again (Because you see this so many times in life, but you have to be reminded) that you should never judge someone by how they look or by brief experiences that you have had with them in the past, because they could be a totally different person. What is/are your strength(s)?: Leadership, knowledge, critical thinking, caring and helpful, creative, and try to lighten up the situations/funny What is/are your weakness(es)?: Over-analytical, too quick to judge sometimes, too nice sometimes, taking away responsibility from others/making them become dependent on me, late, and a horrible speller! (And I have heard that I am shy???? Well maybe with girls) |
You Say it, We Spray It Well what can't I say? I had the time of my life with you guys. It makes me think of the Green Day song, "Good Riddance" Another
turning point a fork stuck in the road I think that song says a lot about us. We all went together on a new fork in the road, not knowing what was going to happen. And when it was all over, we come out with good memories and a time of our life. You guys have all truly become a second family to me and I love you all. You girls have become the sisters that I have never had, the guys are my new brothers, Al your just another one of my crazy uncles (I'll have to add you into my TV show idea), and Mr. P you are a new father to the whole group. I had so much fun with you guys and these memories will be with me always. I hope that they don't just have to be just memories though. I hope that we will all stay in contact with each other and do stuff. Whether it is more backpacking trips, going out to a movie or dinner, swimming or hanging out at someone's house, going to a concert, or who knows maybe one of these days I will even go clubbing with Casey (with all the hipping and the hopping). You all taught me something, changed me, showed me something new about the world and myself, and left a lasting impression on me. For all the seniors, good luck next year at college or wherever else you go. I hope to see you guys this summer and when you guys are home from college. For the other four juniors, of course I'll see you all next year and hopefully over the summer, but I hope that we stay in contact with each other next year during school. Let's never lose contact with this family that we have made, I always be there for you guys if you need me. I liked to leave you guys with one more set of lyrics from the new Less Than Jake cd. I think that they are important, because I want you guys to know how I feel. If you ever need someone, at any time in your life, I am there for you. So
I'll let you know I look forward to seeing you all again in the future, and may all our paths cross many times. ~Ben |
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