Lets Get to Know You

Name: Casey

Nickname: Depends..Case or Sooper

Age: 18

Height: 5'7''

Marital Status: Single

Luxury Item For Camping: Cell phone

Occupation: Lifeguard

Hobbies: Driving, talking, shopping, tanning, swimming, and eating

What do you do in your free time?: Drive around with my friends or just chill and go clubbing!

Where were you born?: Mt. Leabonon, Pennsylvania

Next year are you a) going to college and if so where, b) becoming a bum, c) staying at WVHS, or d) jack?: A & B


What is your Biggest Fear?: Sharks, heights, death, and failure

Are you Al or Donald man: Both

Person(s) who have changed you the most during class: Everyone has their own impact on me.

Will you still be backpacking a) never again, b) for a while, c) for the rest of your life: Umm...hard to tell

What is the best moment from Adventure Studies?: The 3 penguins at KMN

What do you want to do when you grow up?: Own a bar

What one thing would you tell next year's class?: Don't be afraid of using the woods!!


Food: Pizza, pasta, olive garden salad, and candy

Camp Food: Swedish fish and the yummy worms!

Trail Mix: Don't really like trail mix

Trip: KMS or KMN

Animal: Pugs! (It's a dog)

Music: Everything except country and oldies...which ironically is the only thing we listen to in the car rides!

Band and Why?: Lucky Boys Confusion...because they express themselves so well and they have kick ass concerts.

Movie: Billy Madison

Thing about WVHS: Nothing? well...maybe the vending machines.

Celebrity: Adam Sandler and Reese Witherspoon

Quote: "A good friend will always be there to bail you out of jail, but a best friend will be the one sitting next to you saying that was Fu*king awesome!"

Stupidity moment: Umm.. I have a lot of those!

Compare and Contrast

If anyone celebrity was your twin, who would it be?: Umm probably Alicia Silverstone in Clueless.

If anyone celebrity was your archenemy who would be?: Umm, I have to say Michael Jackson because he's gross.

Who/What do you act like?: A dumb blond most of the time.

Who/What don't you act like?: A stupid person

What were you like before Adventure Studies and have you changed at all by taking this class?: I wasn't so open minded.. now I am.

What is/are your strength(s)?: I have leadership when I'm motivated.

What is/are your weakness(es)?: I tend to underestimate myself.

You Say it, We Spray It

Mow Mow Cow! I love you Caitlin and Sam, you two will be my friends forever. And of course I make the best pants ever.

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