Lets Get to Know You

Name: Daniel

Nickname: Dan, Danny-boy, Dan da man

Age: 18

Height: 5'9"

Marital Status: Single

Luxury Item For Camping: Bible

Occupation: Working on that

Hobbies: Guitar, Anything I can build

What do you do in your free time?: Read, or write poetry

Where were you born?: Winfield

Next year are you a) going to college and if so where, b) becoming a bum, c) staying at WVHS, or d) jack?: A, Northern IL University


What is your Biggest Fear?: Quicksand

Are you Al or Donald man: Al Man

Person(s) who have changed you the most during class: Al, Mr. P, Mary Kate, and Phil

Will you still be backpacking a) never again, b) for a while, c) for the rest of your life: C

What is the best moment from Adventure Studies?: To many to tell

What do you want to do when you grow up?: Lots of things

What one thing would you tell next year's class?: Hope your in Al's semester


Food: Chicken Paprika

Camp Food: Rice filled chulluppa things

Trail Mix: I'm sick of it

Trip: Shawnee National Forest

Animal: GO!!! HUSKIES!!!

Music: Everything

Band and Why?: Reliant K - Passion for Christ and they know how to have fun with music

Movie: The Shawshank Redemption

Thing about WVHS: Diversity

Celebrity: Hillary Duff

Quote: "Life's too serious to take seriously"

Stupidity moment: A lot

Compare and Contrast

If anyone celebrity was your twin, who would it be?: Colonel Sanders

If anyone celebrity was your archenemy who would be?: Eminem

Who/What do you act like?: A Golden Retriever

Who/What don't you act like?: Phil

What were you like before Adventure Studies and have you changed at all by taking this class?: I was too stressed out and now I'm less stressed out

What is/are your strength(s)?: Integrity, Self-Control, Patience

What is/are your weakness(es)?: Stupidity in other people

You Say it, We Spray It

Man, I'm hungry. Does anyone have any food?

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