Lets Get to Know You

Name: Sandi

Nickname: you name it, I've been called it: Sandbox, Sandpebble, Pebbles, Roz, etc....

Age: 17

Height: 5'8''

Marital Status: Taken : ) but definitely not marred

Luxury Item For Camping: My blanket, fleece, and face wash

Occupation: Lifetime Fitness, babysitter, St. Thomas worker

Hobbies: Writing, reading, hiking, biking, track/cross country stuff, anything outside, anything with babies/kids

What do you do in your free time?: What free time? If the occasion arises where my busy life allows me a free moment, I go out with friends or sleep!

Where were you born?: Dallas, Texas

Next year are you a) going to college and if so where, b) becoming a bum, c) staying at WVHS, or d) jack?: I will still be at WVHS, no guarantee on the bum status though


What is your Biggest Fear?: Failure and not living up to people's standards for me and my standards for myself.

Are you Al or Donald man: I'd have to say a Donald man, although Al definitely makes things interesting.

Person(s) who have changed you the most during class: Everyone in this class has changed me, but if I had to chose one it would be Stephenie and Mary Kate. Mary Kate is the person I strive to be like and has taught me a lot about life. Stephanie has given me a lot of wisdom through talks and long hikes. Pankuch and Al have also done more than they realize.

Will you still be backpacking a) never again, b) for a while, c) for the rest of your life: Definitely C...this class has made me want to be outside in the outdoors all the time.

What is the best moment from Adventure Studies?: I didn't think I would be able to pick one, but definitely the mud pit for two reasons. It was insanely funny and we were all together having that great time!

What do you want to do when you grow up?: I want to be a History teacher and be a storm chaser on the side.

What one thing would you tell next year's class?: Leave your cell phones at home! And you will have an amazing time. Your feet will hurt and so may everything else but in the end it doesn't matter. The experience will blow all the rest away.


Food: Ice cream!

Camp Food: I'm thinking that JJ's cheesecake was pretty darn good, but thanks to Ben I love oatmeal

Trail Mix: Al's version of trail mix : )

Trip: Shawnee (The mud fest)

Animal: Dolphin - you should see my collection!

Music: I'm into a bit of everything...but I'm in a punk-rock stage right now

Band and Why?: I don't really know...I don't have one favorite. I'm into Jimmy Eat World and Sum 41 among others.

Movie: A Beautiful Mind

Thing about WVHS: Mr. D, Adventure Studies and getting to see all of my friends in one place

Celebrity: I don't think I have a favorite, but I love Matthew Perry

Quote: "In matters of style, swim with the current. In matters of principle, stand like a rock."

"Two paths diverged in the woods, and I, I took the one less traveled and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost

And for all you AP DiTella geeks..."Fishing is the cornerstone of the Dutch economy!" : )

Stupidity momemt: I think I fell on my butt too many times to count, I probably have one per trip.

Compare and Contrast

If anyone celebrity was your twin, who would it be?: A female version of Jack Nicholson (In a good way)

If anyone celebrity was your archenemy who would be?: Batman

Who/What do you act like?: A track manager

Who/What don't you act like?: A princess

What were you like before Adventure Studies and have you changed at all by taking this class?: This class has made me realize who I want to be in life. I was stuck in society and had forgotten the joy that being outdoors brings to life. I have changed in more ways than I thought possible.

What is/are your strength(s)?: I can fold a ground cloth with the best of them. (She can make them so small) I also clean like a mad man : )

What is/are your weakness(es)?: All I can say is don't let me cook, period

You Say it, We Spray It

All I can say is if you are signed up, you are going to have the time of your life! You will changed in ways you never thought possible, you will grow to love the people in your class, and when you don't go on a trip you will find yourself missing it.

To my class:
1. You better call me for future trips.
2. I think we all have a new appreciation for mud, water, and mao.
3. I love all you guys...it's been more fun than I ever thought possible. I hope we stay in touch like Pankuch said.

Mr. P - you have done the impossible. You brought together people from every type of group of high school and made us work together and we became even closer than friends. I hope you realize the affect you have had on all of us, especially me, and continue to bring people together for the simple joy of being in the outdoors together. Your passion for this class and the woods is incredible. That is why we as students have found amazing success throughout our trips which will continue through life. Thanks for the help! : )

Al - You are an awesome guy with so much to offer to everyone who meets you. This class won't be the same without you next year. Thanks for giving up all you time and weekends to get lost in the woods with a bunch of high scholars you didn't know before. Your stories, your comments, and just you being there made everyone better in some way. You better keep in touch with us...you've taken on the role of forest-dad! : )

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