
We visited the indoor rock climbing gym a total of three times as a class (Some people went on a fourth trip, when Ben and Jamie went to go make up a visit that they had missed). During our visits to the gym, we worked on improving our rock climbing skills. These skills included learning how to rock climb, how to belay, and how to encourage/motivate other people in the class. These trips were also good preparation to get us ready for our outdoor rock climbing trip later in the year at Devil's Lake.

Awards For Indoor Rock Climbing

Stupidity Award: When Phil thought he needed chalk
Best Moment Award: When Jamie was swinging off the wall and couldn’t get back on
Leadership Award: DeTulla for his great motivating techniques
Best Injury Award: We had a possible one when Al through the rope and the light fixture fell down and almost hit Dave
Funniest Moment Award: When Ben, Dave, and Chris would always come fashionably late, or when Jaime kept flying up when she was belaying Becky
Best Bonding Moment: Learning to belay each other

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