
Our only day off in February...and we were outside in the freezing weather climbing around in trees. It may not sound fun, but trust me it was. What did we really do out at the High Ropes Course? Well we did a lot. The High Ropes course tested our physical strength with many obstacles. We had to move across stretches of 30 feet on thin wires, balance across logs, and move from Point A to Point B with only four points of contact, oh and I forgot to tell you that the four points of contact are shared between you and your partner! Try jumping into a cargo net from a platform 25 feet above the ground, and only cheaters use their hands! If that doesn't get you going, try crossing on tiny boxes only one foot by one foot large, while moving backwards trusting your partner tells you where to put your foot so you don't fall, because only cheaters use their eyes. If that's still not enough for you, well then try moving across a wire with your partner that at first is only a foot away, but at the end there is a six foot gap in between you. I sure hope you trust your partner a lot!

Awards For High Ropes Course

Stupidity Award: Can anyone say Dungeons and Dragons
Best Moment Award: When Dave, Sandi, and everyone else who was afraid to jump into the cargo net finally did
Leadership Award: AD and Jamie for helping Steph face some fears
Best Cook Award: Aurelio’s can cook a mean pizza
Best Trail Story Award: The most boring story goes to our lady instructor, what was her name again….oh right, the bitch
Best Packer Award: Ben brought the cookies
Best Injury Award: Steph is traumatized of heights because of this trip now
Funniest Moment Award: Caitlin on Pankuch’s back
Best Bonding Moment: Eating pizza with everyone at Aurelio’s, even Burg’s parents showed up!

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